International Legal Services for Residents in Japan

5 Reasons to Choose Verybest

  1. 1 Roughly 330 lawyers and 75 offices nationwide
  2. 2 Support in English and Chinese
  3. 3 Lawyers licensed in Japan, U.S.A., and China
  4. 4 Industry and practice area focused teams
  5. 5 One-Stop solutions
Toll-free in Japan
From overseas +81-3-5545-5896
Telephone hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00 weekdays
(Japan Standard Time)
*English, Chinese language support available

5 Reasons to Choose Verybest

  • very best
    Roughly 330 lawyers and 75 offices nationwide

    We have roughly 330 lawyers experienced in a wide-array of legal matters, both individual and corporate, and our 75 offices nationwide allows us to service clients all around Japan.

    Support in English and Chinese

    We have international lawyers, paralegals, and staff proficient in English and Chinese, who, when necessary, can communicate with you directly or assist you in communicating with our Japanese lawyers.

    The following are some of our international lawyers.

    Lawyers Yasushi Fujii Kouhei Yokoi Nobuhiko Kunitomo
    Lawyers licensed in Japan, U.S.A., and PRC

    We have lawyers that are licensed in Japan, the U.S.A., and the PRC, enabling us to assist clients in various multinational issues.

    We also have a strong working relationship with various foreign lawyers and firms.

    Our lawyers assist clients in resolving issues ranging from day-to-day internal business problems to resolving multiparty disputes.

    Our lawyers are well-versed in the legal affairs of Japan, as well as in practicing the law of their jurisdictions.

    Industry and practice area focused teams

    We have various industry and practice area focused teams of lawyers.

    For individual matters, our practice area focused teams include those for Divorce, Traffic Accidents, Criminal Defense, Employment, and Immigration.

    One-Stop solutions

    We provide one-stop solutions to our clients.

    In addition to language barriers, foreign nationals living in Japan deal with a range of complex problems relating to taxes, employment, and finances.

    Adding to this complexity are the various legal and non-legal professionals that handle specific types of problems.

    Trying to find the right professional is confusing and time consuming.

    At Verybest, we have gathered various legal and non-legal professionals, enabling clients to solve all of their problems on a one-stop basis.

Traffic Accidents

Free 30 minutes
First Consulting
Traffic Accidents

If you are involved in a traffic accident and have trouble receiving adequate compensation or are offended by the attitude of an insurer, our experienced lawyers will act on your behalf in settlement negotiations with insurance companies.

We can begin to assist you immediately after the accident until finalization of a settlement.

By allowing us to handle your traffic accident, you will most likely be able to receive an insurance payout close in amount to that which would typically be determined by a court, rather than the lower amount that is usually offered by the insurance company.

The most important criteria by which an insurance payment is determined is certification evidencing physical impediment from the traffic accident.

In addition to assistance with obtaining this certification, Verybest provides clients with full support at every stage, ranging from handling of issues arising immediately after an accident, hospitalization and outpatient care, to settlement negotiations.

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Divorce Issues

Free 30 minutes
First Consulting
Divorce Issues

- you want to end a marriage
- your spouse is demanding a divorce but you want to resist the divorce
- you want to resolve issues relating to property division, child custody, child support, or visitation rights

Our divorce team with a proven track record of addressing all aspects of family and divorce issues is here to help during this difficult time in your life.

Our lawyers also deal with a range of issues that typically arise after divorce, such as adjustments to or a delay in child support payments, claims for distribution of assets or for emotional distress, and the exercise of visitation rights.

We are here to help you in achieving a just and equitable result in all of your family related matters.

Furthermore, divorces between a Japanese citizen and a foreign national, or between two foreign nationals who live in Japan, involve complexities beyond those that arise in divorces involving Japanese citizens only.

The legal difficulties of these divorces come from issues pertaining to (1) determining the court with proper jurisdiction (which country’s court to use), and (2) the governing law (which country’s laws will apply).

We frequently advise on and assist our clients seeking an international divorce through close collaboration between our divorce team and internal and outside experts.

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Inheritance Issues

Free 30 minutes
First Consulting
Inheritance Issues

Inheritance matters involve many complicated issues.

It can be difficult to determine how best to divide an inheritance between heirs in light of the relations between each heir and the decedent.

There are also a number of complicated procedures involved such as document filings, amending the account holder for accounts and filing inheritance tax returns.

You should seek advice from a professional, and at Verybest, we are fully equipped to help you in navigating the complex issues relating to inheritance.

Our experienced lawyers help clients in such matters as preparing agreements for division of inherited property, handling negotiations if there is a dispute between heirs, acting as a representative for clients in court, registering the transfer of property inherited, and processing the transfer of bank accounts and processing insurance claims.

In addition, Verybest provides tax planning advice to minimize or eliminate inheritance tax payment obligations.

Verybest is able to offer comprehensive, one-stop solutions for clients in inheritance matters through the collaboration of our experienced professionals.

Furthermore, we have particular expertise in international inheritance matters. When a foreign national dies in Japan, or part of an inheritance is located overseas, consideration must be paid to foreign laws and tax regulations.

As with international divorce matters it is necessary to determine the competent court of jurisdiction (which country’s court to use) and the governing law (which country’s laws will apply).

Additionally, for international inheritance issues, a determination must be made as to which standards will be used to appraise property in order for it to be distributed.

Verybest has various qualified foreign lawyers who are well-versed in foreign jurisdiction legal systems, and in collaboration with lawyers abroad, we are able to handle various international inheritance issues, and provide clients with legal and tax solutions.

In cases where the decedent is not a Japanese national, the laws of Japan generally provide that the inheritance shall be governed by the "national law" of the decedent. At Verybest, we have attorneys qualified in a number of foreign jurisdictions, including China and several US states, enabling us to assist clients with those laws.

Due to complexities in cross-border inheritance issues, in certain cases, the laws of Japan or other foreign jurisdictions may be applicable. Where the laws of other foreign jurisdictions are involved, we can work with outside foreign counsel to assist in your inheritance.

Criminal Cases

Free 30 minutes
First Consulting
Criminal Cases

If a person is arrested, he or she may be detained for up to 72 hours by the police and prosecutor.

The public prosecutor may request the court to extend the period of detention for an additional 10 days (and then an additional 23 days) on the ground of it being necessary for investigations.

During that period, the detainee is unable to return home, and contact with family members is limited.

During the period of detention, the prosecutor will determine whether or not to bring charges against the suspect.

The efforts of the detainee’s family and lawyer during the period of detention will have a critical impact on the prosecutor’s decision.

Verybest works with the court and prosecutor to secure the release of its clients and to avoid extended detention, and as counsel, communicates with victims or related parties to achieve optimal results.

Verybest has roughly 330 lawyers and 75 offices nationwide, enabling it to assist clients in need of assistance.

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Labor Issues

Free 30 minutes
First Consulting
※Excluding some areas
Labor Issues

- you wish to make a claim for unpaid overtime,
- you were forced to quit your job,
- you were dismissed without reasonable cause,
- you are struggling in a hostile work environment (e.g., involving sexual or other types of harassment),
you should seek immediate legal help.

The laws of Japan prohibit employers from dismissing employees without reasonable cause.

Retaining a capable lawyer at an early stage of an employment dispute will drastically increase your chances of avoiding dismissal.

Even if you are dismissed, it may be possible for you to seek monetary damages for wrongful dismissal.

At Verybest, our lawyers have extensive experience in helping clients solve all kinds of employment related problems.

Free initial 30-minute consultation *Excluding some Practice areas

Please feel free to contact us

in Japan
*Telephone hours: 9:30-18:00 weekdays (Japan Standard Time)
From overseas
*Telephone hours: 9:30-18:00 weekdays (Japan Standard Time)