Comprehensive support for Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status and Permanent Residency applications

Verybest will handle everything for you.

Toll-free in Japan
From overseas +81-3-5545-5896
Telephone hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00 weekdays
(Japan Standard Time)
*English, Chinese language support available

Why you should consider applying for Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status or Permanent Residency

“I want to change jobs in Japan”
“I want to continue residing in Japan without worrying about my period of stay”

If you are worried about these types of matters, we recommend that you consider acquiring the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status or Permanent Residency Status (Permanent Residency).

People holding Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status or Permanent Residency receive a number of benefits, such as not being required to regularly renew their residence status in Japan.

Differences between each status

(⇐ Please slide sideways ⇒)

  Type 1 Highly-Skilled Professional Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Permanent Residency
Period of stay 5 Years Indefinite period of stay

*Necessary to renew residence card

Indefinite period of stay

*Necessary to renew residence card

Changing jobs

*Notification necessary

Bringing parents and housekeepers

*Limited to certain circumstances

*Limited to certain circumstances

Necessity of staying employed
to maintain status
Necessary Necessary Not required to be employed

If a person is already working in Japan with the Type 1 Highly-Skilled Professional Status, they may already meet the requirements of the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status and Permanent Residency.

Even if a person is not currently a Highly-Skilled Professional, they can apply for that status if they have the required number of application points.

Benefits of Permanent Residency in Japan

For foreign residents who have lived in Japan for an extended period, obtaining permanent residency (PR) is an attractive option. With permanent residency, life in Japan becomes more stable and flexible, allowing for a more fulfilling lifestyle. In this article, we will detail the main benefits of obtaining permanent residency in Japan.

1. Exemption from the Need to Renew Your Visa

Once you obtain permanent residency, unlike other residency statuses, you are exempt from the need to renew your visa. This offers significant convenience for permanent residents. Without the concern of visa expiration, you can confidently plan your long-term stay, focusing on both professional and family life without the disruptions of periodic visa renewals.

Being free from the frequent burden of visa renewals and the anxiety surrounding the renewal process provides a great sense of stability for those living in Japan. This is especially advantageous for individuals managing businesses or supporting families, as it ensures greater peace of mind.

2. Expanded Freedom in Choosing Careers and Employers

By obtaining permanent residency, the usual restrictions on employment and employers associated with other residency statuses are removed. This grants you a broader range of options, allowing you to freely change jobs, pursue side businesses, or even venture into entrepreneurship.

With permanent residency, you will be treated the same as Japanese nationals in the job market, as there are no employment restrictions, which significantly expands your career prospects. Additionally, if you wish to become independent and start your own business in the future, you can do so without the need to change your residency status, providing a seamless transition into entrepreneurship.

3. Financial Advantage in Obtaining Bank Loans

Permanent residency provides distinct advantages in the financial realm. For instance, when applying for long-term loans such as home loans or car loans, permanent residents often enjoy more favorable conditions compared to non-permanent residents.

Since visa validity often influences the approval of long-term loans, it can be challenging for foreign nationals without permanent residency to secure such loans. However, with permanent residency, your stable residence status enhances your credibility with financial institutions, increasing the likelihood of securing loan approval under more favorable terms.

4. Greater Freedom for Your Family

Permanent residency offers not only personal stability but also enhanced freedom for your family. For example, your spouse and children can change their visa status to 'Spouse or Child of a Permanent Resident,' which allows them to work without restrictions and freely pursue employment opportunities.

Moreover, when your spouse or children apply for permanent residency, the required period of residence in Japan is typically shorter, which helps in ensuring long-term stability for the entire family.


Obtaining permanent residency in Japan offers numerous advantages. Not only does it eliminate the need for visa renewals and provide greater flexibility in career choices, but it also presents financial benefits and ensures stability to your entire family. Permanent residency represents a crucial step toward achieving a stable and free life in Japan, making it an attractive option for those considering long-term residence in the country.

Our experienced administrative scriveners are here to assist with your permanent residency application. Additionally, we offer consultations to assess your eligibility, so please feel free to reach out to us.

Examples of Cases that we have assisted

Mr. Ivanov
  • Mr. Ivanov –
  • Russian nationality –
  • 39 years old –
  • Working for foreign IT company

Mr. Ivanov was assigned to the Japan branch of a well-known foreign IT company.

While in Japan, Mr. Ivanov obtained the Type 1 Highly-Skilled Professional Status through an application handled by his company.

One year after his assignment, Mr. Ivanov began to look into independently starting his own business in Japan.

Because he would have to change his residency status to business management when starting a business with the Type 1 Highly-Skilled Professional Status, Mr. Ivanov then considered Permanent Residency and consulted our firm.

Our firm explained the differences between the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status and Permanent Residency to Mr. Ivanov.

Because there was no need for Mr. Ivanov to bring his parents or a housekeeper to Japan, we then recommended Permanent Residency and assisted Mr. Ivanov with his successful application.

Ms. Novak
  • Ms. Novak –
  • Czech nationality –
  • 34 years old –
  • University associate professor

Ms. Novak lived in Japan with her family and worked as an associate professor at a university.

Four years had passed since Ms. Novak's child was born in Japan, and she was more deeply connected with Japanese society.

Ms. Novak wished to have a stable life in Japan, and thus considered Permanent Residency.

Our firm explained the differences between the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status and Permanent Residency to Ms. Novak.

Because there was no need for Ms. Novak to bring her parents or a housekeeper to Japan, we then recommended Permanent Residency and assisted Ms. Novak with her successful application.

Reasons for hiring us

If you hire us to assist you in obtaining the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status or Permanent Residency, we will assist you in the following ways.

We will handle everything for you

Application procedures involve visiting a government office on weekdays.

If you are unable to take time off on weekdays, we will handle everything by appearing on your behalf.

We determine the most appropriate status based on your situation and expectations

Depending on the status, there are different conditions and benefits.

We determine the most appropriate status based on your situation and expectations, and we will advise and assist you with your application.

Preparation for application procedures and documentation

It is necessary to submit a number of documents for many applications, including applications for status.

We assist with the preparation and compilation of a wide range of application materials.

Reasons to choose Verybest

  • POINT1
    English and Chinese language support
    Our professionals are able to provide services in English and Chinese.
  • POINT2
    Our attorneys and other professionals work together to address your concerns
    With over 330 Japanese and foreign attorneys, a certified administrative procedures legal specialist, certified public tax accountants, labor and social security attorneys, patent attorneys, judicial scriveners and a senior registered architect, our professionals collaborate to provide comprehensive support.
  • POINT3
    We determine the most appropriate application and procedures based on your situation
    We analyze your situation to determine the best course of action, including the optimal application procedure, and which documents should be submitted to give you the best chance of receiving a positive result.
  • POINT4
    Nationwide services
    With 75 branches nationwide, and with branches in every major city, we offer nationwide support.
  • POINT5
    As a law firm providing true one-stop services, we are able to address all of your concerns
    In addition to administrative procedures like immigration applications, we are also highly experienced in personal matters such as traffic accidents, divorces, adultery settlements, tax matters, employment matters, as well as corporate transactions.
  • POINT6
    The peace of mind of having a professional handle your case
    We will address all of your concerns related to the engagement in a professional matter, including how to prepare a successful application and the procedures involved in the application process.

Outline of steps


We meet you in person at our office or speak to you over the phone to learn your facts and expectations.

We then specify which documents must be prepared over the phone, by FAX or by email.


At a subsequent meeting, we review the documents that you have prepared.

After providing an explanation of our services and fees, if you decide to retain our firm, we will have you sign a retainer agreement.

Application results

We will process the application from start to finish.

*We will contact you in case we need anything additional from you.

Please consult with our firm if you have the following types of concerns:

  • "I am too busy; I need someone to handle everything"
  • "I am sick of having to keep renewing my status"
  • "I want to change jobs in Japan"
  • "I want to continue residing in Japan"
  • "I am not sure if I should apply for the Type 2 Highly-Skilled Professional Status or Permanent Residency"
Toll-free in Japan
From overseas +81-3-5545-5896
Telephone hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00 weekdays
(Japan Standard Time)
*English, Chinese language support available
Toll-free in Japan
From overseas +81-3-5545-5896
Telephone hours: 9:30 ~ 18:00 weekdays
(Japan Standard Time)
*English, Chinese language support available

Free initial 30-minute consultation *Excluding some Practice areas

Please feel free to contact us

in Japan
*Telephone hours: 9:30-18:00 weekdays (Japan Standard Time)
From overseas
*Telephone hours: 9:30-18:00 weekdays (Japan Standard Time)